import { DepthMaterial } from '../../material/DepthMaterial.js';
import { DistanceMaterial } from '../../material/DistanceMaterial.js';
import { LIGHT_TYPE, DRAW_SIDE } from '../../const.js';
import { Vector4 } from '../../math/Vector4.js';
var shadowSide = { "front": DRAW_SIDE.BACK, "back": DRAW_SIDE.FRONT, "double": DRAW_SIDE.DOUBLE };
var defaultDepthMaterial = new DepthMaterial();
defaultDepthMaterial.packToRGBA = true;
var defaultDistanceMaterial = new DistanceMaterial();
defaultDistanceMaterial.uniforms = {};
function _getDepthMaterial(renderable, light) {
defaultDepthMaterial.side = shadowSide[renderable.material.side];
return defaultDepthMaterial;
function _getDistanceMaterial(renderable, light) {
defaultDistanceMaterial.side = shadowSide[renderable.material.side];
defaultDistanceMaterial.uniforms["nearDistance"] = light.shadow.cameraNear;
defaultDistanceMaterial.uniforms["farDistance"] = light.shadow.cameraFar;
return defaultDistanceMaterial;
var oldClearColor = new Vector4();
* Shadow map pre pass.
* @constructor
* @memberof zen3d
function ShadowMapPass() {
* Get depth material function.
* Override this to use custom depth material.
* @type {Function}
this.getDepthMaterial = _getDepthMaterial;
* Get distance material function.
* Override this to use custom distance material.
* @type {Function}
this.getDistanceMaterial = _getDistanceMaterial;
* Render shadow map.
* @param {zen3d.WebGLCore} glCore
* @param {zen3d.Scene} scene
ShadowMapPass.prototype.render = function(glCore, scene) {
var gl =;
var state = glCore.state;
var getDepthMaterial = this.getDepthMaterial;
var getDistanceMaterial = this.getDistanceMaterial;
// force disable stencil
var useStencil = state.states[gl.STENCIL_TEST];
if (useStencil) {
state.colorBuffer.setClear(1, 1, 1, 1);
var lights = scene.lights.shadows;
for (var i = 0; i < lights.length; i++) {
var light = lights[i];
var shadow = light.shadow;
if (shadow.autoUpdate === false && shadow.needsUpdate === false) continue;
var camera =;
var shadowTarget = shadow.renderTarget;
var isPointLight = light.lightType == LIGHT_TYPE.POINT ? true : false;
var faces = isPointLight ? 6 : 1;
if (glCore.capabilities.version >= 2) {
if (!isPointLight && !shadow.depthMap && !glCore.disableShadowSampler) {
for (var j = 0; j < faces; j++) {
if (isPointLight) {
shadow.update(light, j);
shadowTarget.activeCubeFace = j;
} else {
var renderList = scene.updateRenderList(camera);
glCore.clear(true, true);
glCore.renderPass(renderList.opaque, camera, {
getMaterial: function(renderable) {
return isPointLight ? getDistanceMaterial(renderable, light) : getDepthMaterial(renderable, light);
ifRender: function(renderable) {
return renderable.object.castShadow;
// ignore transparent objects?
// set generateMipmaps false
// glCore.renderTarget.updateRenderTargetMipmap(shadowTarget);
shadow.needsUpdate = false;
if (useStencil) {
state.colorBuffer.setClear(oldClearColor.x, oldClearColor.y, oldClearColor.z, oldClearColor.w);
export { ShadowMapPass };